Saturday, October 1, 2016

The End Of One Sketchbook And Into A New One

I just met the last page of my current sketchbook and I usually add "The End" drawings unto every last page of my sketchbooks because I want to. I also name every new sketchbook I begin drawing on by drawing "Sketchbook <Name>" on the first page of every sketchbook. I've named my newest sketchbook "Sketchbook Time".

To celebrate, I took out all my previous sketchbooks to get a bit of perspective to how far I've gone and it's quite satisfying for me to look at them and see that growth is happening and my skills are indeed improving. Now, it's only been a year since I first started drawing in sketcbooks and it's only been a couple of months since I started drawing consistently on a daily basis. It feels like the better I get, the easier it also is for me to build momentum and draw with less effort.

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